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Flow Control Valves

Constant flow rate thermoplastic valves for ultra-pure and corrosive liquids



For a self-training Powerpoint on how the Flow Control works, please click here.

Flow increments: 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1½, and 2 GPM (1.0, 1.9, 2.8, 3.8, 5.7, and 7.6 l/m) flow rates, then in 1 GPM (3.8 l/m) increments from 3 to 120 GPM (22.7 to 454.2 l/m).

These flow controls are designed for liquids similar in viscosity to water. All applications should be tested for flow characteristics and chemical compatability to insure desired results. Swelling of the diaphragms in certain liquids will result in loss of flow rate accuracy. An in-line strainer or filter should be installed before the flow control when suspended solids are present, and for all applications below 1.0 GPM (3.8 LPM).


The rated output of Series FC flow controls will vary ±15 percent with EPDM assemblies.

Materials of Construction:

The standard Series "FC" flow controls are constructed of TYPE 1, GRADE 1 PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) with diaphragms of EPDM. Stainless steel fasteners are standard. Bodies are also available in virgin polypropylene, PTFE, and Kynar®. Consult factory.

flow control valve photo

Operation and Installation:

The Series "FC" flow controls are used to maintain a constant pre-determined flow in a system. They must be installed in the correct flow direction (indicated by label) to work properly. They utilize a diaphragm which changes shape with inlet pressure changes, thus maintaining a constant flow rate. They are normally used to replace more costly flow control devices. Standard flow ranges are from 1/4 GPM to 120 GPM (.95 LPM to 454 LPM). The minimum pressure drop needed across the flow control is 15 PSI (1 Bar) in order to get the desired flow.

Temperature and Pressure:

The Series "FC" flow controls can operate from 40 °F - 140°F (5°C-60°C) with PVC bodies and EPDM diaphragms. With optional polypropylene, PTFE, or Kynar bodies they can operate from 40°F- 180°F (5°C-82°C). The Series "FC" flow controls must have at least 15 PSI (1 Bar) pressure drop across the control in order to deliver the rated flow. Maximum pressure is 120 PSI.


dimensional drawing of flow control valve

Pipe Size NPT or BSPModel Prefix GPM# of Control Elementsl dimension inchesd dimension inches L dimension inchesD dimension inches


Note: For complete information request catalog page below,
         or - Click here for a complete roster of part numbers in PVC.

FC  050   EP   -      001-1/2     -      PV
See Table  Diaphragm  Flow Rate(See Table)   Body Material
           EP-EPDM                           PV-PVC
Please note that the GPM part numbers are as follows:
1/4   Gallon:     000-1/4
1/2   Gallon:     000-1/2
3/4   Gallon:     000-3/4
1     Gallon:     001-000
1 1/2 Gallon:     001-1/2
2     Gallon:     002-000
Above 2 GPM, fractional rates are not available, so only three
digits are needed in the part number.  
For instance, 45 GPM  would be 045.  In other words, a 2" FC
in PVC with EPDM delivering 45 GPM would be:

Click here for a complete roster of part numbers in PVC.

Additional Info: Catalog Request Catalog FCV-1

Plast-O-Matic Valves, Inc.
1384 Pompton Avenue
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 USA
Voice: (973) 256-3000
Fax: (973) 256-4745


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Kynar® is a registered trademark of Arkema.,
Corzan™ is a trademark of Noveon, Inc.

FAIL-DRY ® is a registered trademark of Plast-O-Matic Valves, Inc.

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